Entrepreneur So Solid’s MegaMan breaks down some of the myths associated with SoSolid Crew, Their Rise and the motivations behind some their business en devours and strategies for growth and longevity of the group in the entertainment industry.

Young Pharoah is promoting some of the gems to which he is speaking on, the very ownership and respect of our culture and development as people as musicians, actors, doctors, estate agents, Moguls.

The stance and perspective Young Pharoah has, is vital for our society and and culture, with this pioneering view and revolutionary stance to inspire and educate and create. We will continue to be strategic and inspire.
We thank MegaMan and So Solid ad we will continue to support issues and topics that is discussed by the panel and NFTR show most relevant to the Revolutionary agenda

Many will never grasp the truths and doctrine one needs to have to be able to move in a corporate space, and the myths that people associate with supposed success in this industry, an important point Mega made is why your favorite artist seen to have thousands of followers and a movement yet unable to have his song hit Top 20! or even close.

It goes without saying there is an intuitiveness that can be contagious and Young Pharoah is sparking this for the benefit of inspiring and having positive aspiration and inspirational values provided to the masses where everything else being promoted is the opposite and for the opposite effect. Stay Tuned for the most accurate and authentic platform for self expression and thought leadership.

Young Pharoah

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