Written by simply blessing,


I’m sure everyone’s heard about what’s happened with Distrikt. I mean if you’re on Twitter who hasn’t? It’s spread like wildfire and if I’m honest I’m glad. People say “it’s just Twitter” but Twitter can make a change

Imagine going to a club and being denied entry because you’re black? It’s never happened to me but I’m not going to be blind to the fact that it does happen out there.


Standing up for what you believe in and protesting – yeah I respect that. But really and truly Distrikt doesn’t care. Real rap. Some of the tweets the PR manager of Distrikt was posting last night DURING the protest showed that he truly gave no fucks. And he’s supposed to be a representation of the establishment. If he thinks that then imagine what other staff think.


If I were to go to a club with my girls and the security said we weren’t allowed in, first off we all would question why. I know my girls and I dress well when we go out, we smell good lol. If security was to then imply in any way or tell us straight up that it’s because we’re black, best believe we are causing an uproar right there and then outside the club! I can be the biggest drama queen when I want to and my girls can be too, so EVERYONE in the queue will hear our voices. We would scream and shout so people know the real reason why we aren’t being let in. I don’t even think I would want to go inside such an establishment anymore if I’m honest. It’s the principle. That in today’s society, in 2015 clubs are refusing entry to people because of the colour of their skin. Oh how drab!


Back to the protest. I don’t honestly think some black people comprehend how much power we have. We have so much power when it comes to the consumer market that if every black person stopped buying a certain item or going to a certain place, ask me at the end of the month if it would still be there.

It’s not even a thing of saying “go to where you won’t be discriminated” because in 2015 we shouldn’t be discriminated ANYWHERE!! Over the past few days I’ve seen tweets from people (black) that have disgusted me such as “I’ve never had a problem with Distrikt”, “I’m sure there’s more to the story” “the staff have always been lovely to me”. Have a bloody Blue Peter badge. Because it’s never happened to you don’t be stupid enough to think it doesn’t happen. Because if it ever happens to you I’m sure you’re going to want people to support you and be on your side.


To end this post off, I just want to mention Stormzy in this. Some of the tweets he was posting yesterday, I respect him loads. He was using his platform and the voice he has among people to state what he believes in. And he moves so humble about it. He really is the people’s champion.

Use the voice you have people. You may not think it’s much but trust me it could go a very long way. Every little helps after all right?

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