Lets have some real talk, here this argument should be one and one only, this club distrikt is racist and will bear the consequence of their racist club being branded as such, whether they like it or not. we will affect the discrimination that BLACK ethnic males and females are facing by showing the truth and exposing as situations like this arise.

I Commend the ladies for protesting outside the venue, creating an uproar, that is what we should expect of strong black women of this generation. if your a strong man, as we are not addressing fugaze social media whores.  I am proud these stood for a cause and took charge. Black males should post up outside the venue next time a bouncer tries to discriminate against us, only some know the feeling, however we are all in this together.

Boycott, Boycott. do not go to these dead clubs that discriminate as soon as they see feel you do not match the common trend perhaps, they can see ethnicity and begin to think back to mississippi and want a line for black, ethni  and a line for everyone else,

These clubs don’t deserve your presence or your money, or our music or our beautiful women, or our music lol or our charisma, or our flyness let them party with their selected.

I find these clubs the most boring fakest places to be in sometimes but each to their own, Distrkt never put on a night I have attended.

leave them with their dead crowd and policies,enough damage to Distrikt will have celebrities of true black ethnic origin and pride in their history and culture coming to london or from London maybe going somewhere else now, and news soon spreads so promoters and clubs should learn from Distrikt demise and policies if they want the same publicity.  Distrikt crossed the line and is not that sick! a place to be omitted from repercussions  this is not taj mahal we are visiting,

Anyone can get it.

Ethnics and blacks wont be attending DISTRIKT picnics or party’s no more, now DISTRIKT will want to throw urban nights, all girls free before 12 lmao to attract. Listen Distrikt are not the only ones with this policy and discriminatory stance,  This of course stems from unwanted violence they associate with black people who are sometimes culprits of violence in clubs however even if 20 black boys in shirt and tie and malcom x glasses came to some venues they would have issue, if not fantastic this venue is not a Distrkt type.

They don’t want you in their club if your ethnic or black unless you are putting drinks on your tab. or bringing them further publicity, they even lie about people attending their parties as you saw with the weekend responding.

So if they are to tar everyone with the same brush treating women as violent black man that are now also categorized then it must be sword to sword, we also name them what they are,Racists.

Establishments and venues sometimes associate problems happening in their venue with accepting black ethnic people or playing black music(which they play anyway just not to a black audience), or picking people who adhere to a look they want to be known for in terms of attendees always being white, and fair in skin and mixed etc..

The answer is to fight sword with sword, if you want to attend to these venues, come with an understanding if you are ethnic origin they are going to be racist and discriminate, so don’t give them a reason to and if they do, take the crew somewhere else.  Women if you come to a club and they are doing selective entry, you make everyone in your group leave , and you take your nyash to another venue.

The embarrassment should lie with them for people not really caring whether they get in or not because its people who make the party, if they want the party whites only, lol it is fine you have been there before nothing new, go to a party where people are seen as human, carry yourself as the Don and everyone around you and you can’t be discriminated against, unless its a Distrikt type of venue.  Where they want you to  flash cash, put it on your tab or perform pick one if the shoe fits and keep it moving.

However this in an issue the black male will feel more aggrieved but equally should the women   subjected to discrimination as an ethnic male but our women are subjected to, so in order to change the future for your sons and daughters, Boycott the whole embargo and take your money and stunt anywhere else but these racist venues and establishments and preferably with people who do not see  colour only. we are in it together, so can we just thank promoters at Distrikt for making their club the most hated venue and least respected in London, their policy seems to have shot themselves in the foot with a public relations nightmare, i think non ethnics are disgusted and probably a bit embarrassed at such blatant racism, either way this is a nightmare for their pr, let’s all make sure riri and our american friends do not go there again and a public apology i think is necessary from this venue and promoters. None of our real ethnic , friends should be too keen to visit this clubbig up the young queens for protesting and keeping things classy,

we are the upper echelon.   YP



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