Now we witnessed the injustice of the Mark Duggan murder with the officers not being charged for Murder. We have footage of the Murder and unlawful killing of Azelle rodney. If there is any illusion into this officers motive this video which prosecutors I hope are studying carefully really shows that this was a pre meditated murder and never the story the racist killer officer gave of thinking Azelle was going to grab a weapon!

While the inquest is going on let us help the prosecutors…
Listen to the radio you can hear someone asking something about ‘doing this’
then you can hear racist murderer PC Anthony Long say or the driver next to him reply to the police radio ‘ we are looking to do this.. near roundabout if he stops’ then you hear ‘ we got him’ as they approach the car you can hear ‘ sweet as sweet as’ meaning yes this is perfect position for you to now shoot! and then immediately he is shot at by racist murderer pc anthony long 8 times.

Never did the police car stop or speak with Anthony long, he was clearly ambushed and ‘sweet as’ killed by racist murderer Anthony long who said he thought that Azelle Rodney was going for a weapon. it does not take a rocket scientist to notice the police followed him, and racist murderer Anthony Long shot him IMMEDIATELY even before the police car comes to a stop. We cant allow this officer to not be charged with murder repost the video everywhere all over social networks all over facebook.
He will not get off for the Murder of Azelle Rodney as did the officer who killed Mark Duggan and will be an example of a racist police murderer being brought to justice. RIP Azelle Rodney

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