Killuminati the movie is a documentary covering major scandal about political issues, the search for truth, about september 911 which has been well debated and still people hold their opinions, the lying politicians who with the major global organisations want to move society into a new world order via mind control and television and exploitation of world events for private gain. Another very interesting documentary, what is to be done with this knowledge, well to know who is for you and who is against your personal development as a human being, who is trying to educate your children via television and the education system. The knowledge should allow you to make active choices about how yoou live your life and what you allow to influence your decisions that will effect you and your family’s future, being aware is the greatest gift you can give yourself as it will begin to shape your actions and life to pursue the very freedom that is being taken from us
Young Pharoah, the leader of this revolution of goodwill and empowerment and encouragement of self development, education and obtaining of power.
One cannot be powerful without knowing who is holding the power.

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